Friday, June 4, 2010

Rainy days and monthdays

I just finished my plate of blueberry cheesecake and I'm craving for more. But I already had two pieces, more than enough for tonight, my calorie-conscious mind tells me. You see, I had pizza for dinner yesterday, lamb chops the night before and tonight, blueberry cheesecake - two huge pieces. But I guess it's alright, I can skip on my diet tonight. It's my niece's second monthday after all.And who knows, a rainy day might come and those extra calories will prove to be handy?Like when? Oh I can't think of a good reason now, my belly is full and my lids are drooping. Ask me another time.

Yep, you heard right. It's her second monthday. For those who are new to the term, it simply means today she turns 2 months :-). And tonight, we're celebrating it. And nope, it isn't a tradition but back in my home country, some people do practice this. It's more of a made up reason to make a cake, cook good food and call on close friends for a little get together. The birth of a human life is after all, something to celebrate, and more so in the case of little babies. They just make everyday worth your while.

 Another term that has become popular in the recent years among the new generation is "monthsary". Like monthday is from birthday, monthsary is derived from anniversary. This is used especially among the young people to mark the day they got together with their respective partners. Special dinners and dates are usually reserved for this one date in the calendar.

It's funny how sometimes a month flies by so fast and before you know it, a year has passed. And despite the passage of time and the stresses of everyday life, we are reminded for one day every month to stop our chores, gather our loved ones and share some good food and relaxed conversations. For that one day, don't let the rain in. Be grateful for all that's been given. Be reminded of life's fragility and celebrate it.

Who knows what the next month will hold?

Great weekend, I wish you all!